Minggu, 22 Februari 2015


This theory appeared because the previous theory “language as structure view had had some weaknesses, such as it just stress on grammar, no communication, and etc. In this theory a language is viewed as vehicle to express the functional meaning. This theory more emphasizes the meaning and communicative dimension than the grammatical characteristic of language. It gives chance to the learners to use their notions, topic, or concept that the learners want.
Do you still remember when you were called to get practice in front of the class or at your seat with your fair or group? You got A dialogue and your friend got B. We come to the front of the class and practice dialogue by reading the dialogue text.
Everyone felt happy and everyone looked bright because you just read and you did not take care about you understand or not about what you were reading. If we got wrong in pronunciations, the teacher would just give some correction. Structure sometime we got and sometime not. If we got it, the teacher would talk it in the end or after practice but it would not be the stress of the material.
We got more on drilling or repetition of pronunciation. The teacher teaches us how to pronounce the English words by showing us the correct pronunciation and asked us to follow him.
…………………………………….ok everybody say “good morning” the teacher instructed us……………..
All of us repeated and say together “good morning”
All of you who sat in front say “good morning”…………………..
All of the students who sat in front say “good morning” together.
Udin say “good morning” instructed the teacher……………………..
Udin say “got moning”……………………. the teacher gave correction directly …”not got moning” but “good morning”……………. Etc.
When we got our friend wrong to pronounce it, we would laugh him. In verse the other friend laughed us when they found us make a mistake. Laugh each other or mock it other often we find along the teaching learning process.
This way just gave us experience to communicate our language but the process was still static.

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