The part of speech (also called syntactic categories). The
most important of those are
the noun, verb , preposition ,
and adverb/adjective.
All of them have a special way how to use it.
We can substitute various words that are of the type
noun for the second word in the sentence:
The man likes playing football.
In that sentence we can substitute the noun “man” with the other noun.
For example:
The king likes playing football
} correct
The student likes playing football
But we
cannot substitute noun “man” words with the words that aren’t nouns.
For example:
The blue likes playing football
} false
The at likes playing football
The sing likes playing football
The same holds true for larger groups of words (the square brackets [
… ] mark off the relevant groups of words)
[Antun] went to the market
[The man] went
to the market
[Quickly walks] went
to the market
May not
We can make generalizations (scientific ones) about the behavior of
different word types. This is why we need parts of speech. There are categories
of words that can appear in certain position and may not be substituted by the
other categories.
A noun is a
“person, place, or thing”, and a verb
is “an action, state or state of being.”
Consider now
the following:
The destruction of Jakarta bothered
The meaning of destruction
is not a “person, place, or thing.” It is an action! By semantic criteria, this
word should be a verb. But in fact, it is clearly a noun. It is the subject of
the sentence and it follows the word “the”.
is an important quality
The assassination of the president
Labuan haji is a great place for recreation
Genuinely is an attribute, a property normally
associated with adjectives. But in this case Genuinely is a noun.
Similarly with assassination
, an
action, is functioning
as a noun. The semantic property
of identifying a location is usually attributed to a preposition but the noun Labuan haji refers to a location,
but isn’t itself a preposition.
A word can change its
part of speech depending upon where it appears in a sentence. The
part of speech
of a word
is determined by its place
in the sentence
and NOT by its meaning.
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